unicef ​​report 2024 severe child poverty in india check statistics

unicef ​​report 2024 severe child poverty in india check statistics

Child Poverty in India : India is the 8th worst country in the world in terms of food security. After Afghanistan, India is the worst country in South Asia. This has been revealed in the latest report of UNICEF. UNICEF 2024 Child Nutrition Report, ‘Child Food Poverty: Lack of nutrition in early childhood’ report has revealed that India is one of the 20 countries where 65% of children are not getting the necessary nutritious food from 2018-2022. Whereas every fourth child in the world is crying due to hunger. Know what the UNICEF report says and how serious is the situation of children in India…

Which country has the highest child poverty?
According to UNICEF data, child poverty in India is 40 percent, which is at a high level. Before that are Somalia (63%), Guinea (54%), Guinea-Bissau (53%), Afghanistan (49%), Sierra Leone (47%), Ethiopia (46%) and Liberia (43%). These figures show that a large number of children in India are not even able to get food. Talking about Pakistan, the figure there is 38%, while China is at 10%.

Second worst country in South Asia
Apart from 40 percent of severe child food poverty, 36 percent of Indian children are in the grip of ‘Moderate Child Food Poverty’. According to this, the figures for both reach 76 percent, which shows that India is the second worst country in South Asia after Afghanistan. Where severe child food poverty is 49% and moderate child food poverty is 37%. The situation of other countries in South Asia is better than India.

Every fourth child is not getting enough food
According to a UNICEF report, around 181 million children under the age of 5 in the world are suffering from severe food poverty. Around 27% of the children in the world are not able to get nutritious food. This means that every fourth child is suffering from lack of hunger i.e. malnutrition, which is affecting his physical and mental growth.

What is severe child food poverty according to UNICEF
UNICEF says that young children should be given at least 5 out of 8 types of foods every day. If they get less food than this, they fall into severe food poverty. These foods include mother’s milk, cereals, roots (carrots, beetroot, potatoes, garlic), tubers and bananas, pulses (nuts and seeds), dairy products, meat (chicken and fish), eggs, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and other fruits and vegetables.

440 million children in food poverty
According to a UNICEF report, about 44 crore children under the age of 5 living in about 100 low and middle income countries are suffering from food poverty, that is, they are not getting 5 types of nutritious food every day. Out of these, 18.1 crore children are in severe food poverty, who are able to eat only two food groups every day.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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